Wednesday, March 28, 2012

And in the Land of the Rising Sun, where cute meets kinky and weird to give birth to the downright bizarre....

A little overdue but now the Japan edition....

If you want a place where you can scratch your head, nauseate, then run for your lives - you won't go far wrong with Japan. Most of the time you probably won't want to know what's REALLY going on in those TVCs they do.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

From the land of a thousand smiles, spots of a thousand laughs....

Thailand has one of the biggest and most established media and film industries in Southeast Asia. But when it comes to slapstick comedy, I have to say that Thailand is truly unique in this particular respect.

Something New, Something Want Away

Since I hadn't been particularly satisfied with the makeshift blog template I had previously put up, just thought I would spice things up a little.

The new template and layout probably looks a little snazzier, but already I can't wait to be shot of it.

Sure it looks good (better anyway), but it's pretty much useless as I can't play around much with the layouts or add anything fancy like a proper, decent sidebar (for crying out loud!).

Oh well, till I get my second wind... enjoy....